
Mozambique Sofala Province

The 10 provinces of Mozambique
The 10 provinces of Mozambique

Sofala Province Fact Sheet

Sofala is a central province of Mozambique, known predominantly for its historic trade cities and a coastline that stretches along the Indian Ocean.

General Description: The province features a mix of coastal lowlands and inland plains, with the notable Zambezi River flowing through it and emptying into the Indian Ocean. Sofala has a rich history of trade and has been a nexus of cultural exchanges for centuries, with the port city of Beira as its contemporary economic heartbeat.

Surface Area: Sofala extends over an area of approximately 68,018 square kilometers, lending it a medium scale in the context of Mozambique's geography.

Geographical Limits:

  • North: It is bordered by Zambezia province.
  • South: The province of Inhambane lies to the south.
  • West: It shares its western boundary with Manica province and part of Tete province.
  • East: The Indian Ocean defines Sofala's eastern limit.

Main Cities:

  • Beira is the provincial capital and Mozambique's second-largest city, after Maputo. It is a significant port city, critical for both national and international shipping and trade, particularly for landlocked countries to the west.
  • Dondo and Chibabava are other notable urban centers in the province.

Number of Districts: Sofala is comprised of 13 districts.

Name of Districts: The districts are Buzi, Caia, Chemba, Cheringoma, Chibabava, Dondo, Gorongosa, Machanga, Maringué, Marromeu, Muanza, Nhamatanda, and the aforementioned city district of Beira.

Climate: Sofala experiences a hot and humid tropical climate, with a distinct rainy season from November to April and a cooler dry season from May to October. The wet season often brings significant rainfall, which can lead to flooding, particularly in the Zambezi River basin.

Population: The province is home to over 2 million people, according to the most recent estimates.

Languages: Portuguese is the official language of Mozambique and is widely spoken in Sofala for administration and education. Other local languages include Ndau and Sena, reflective of the various ethnic groups in the region.

Major Products: Sofala's economy is driven by its port and railway facilities in Beira, supporting both national and international trade. The agricultural sector is substantial, with sugarcane, rice, and maize among the principal crops. The area also supports prawn fisheries and manufacturing.

Main Roads: The principal roadway is the EN6, connecting Beira to Zimbabwe and hence serving as an economic corridor. The EN1 also runs through Sofala, linking the northern provinces with the south along the Mozambican coast.

Main Airport: Beira Airport (Aeroporto Internacional da Beira), with the IATA code BEW and ICAO code FQBR, is the main airport in Sofala. It operates both domestic and international flights, functioning as a crucial air hub in the region.

Distance from Beira City to Capital Maputo by Road: Beira is about 1,200 kilometers away from the capital, Maputo. Travelling by road could take around 15 to 18 hours to cover this distance, depending on road conditions and the type of transportation used.

Sofala's blend of historical significance, agricultural land, and the economic lifeline of Beira's port facilities makes it a pivotal province in Mozambique's socio-economic framework. The province is critically important for trade within the southern African region due to its strategic coastal location and the vital transport routes that it hosts.

Map of Sofala Province

7-day weather forecast for Sofala Province

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