
Mozambique Vilankulos

Vilankulos is a coastal town located in the Inhambane province of Mozambique. It is situated approximately 750 kilometers northeast of Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique. Access to Vilankulos is possible by both road and air travel.

By road, visitors can travel from Maputo to Vilankulos via a well-maintained highway. The journey takes approximately 10 hours by car or bus and offers some stunning views of the Mozambican countryside. Alternatively, visitors can take a flight from Maputo International Airport to Vilankulos Airport, which takes around 1 hour.

Vilankulos is famous for its stunning beaches and is often referred to as the "gateway to the Bazaruto Archipelago". Some of the highlights of Villankulos include the chance to explore the Bazaruto Archipelago, which is a group of islands that make up the Bazaruto National Park.

Visitors can go on boat tours to explore these stunning islands, and can even swim with dolphins. The beaches of Vilankulos are also perfect for water sports, including snorkeling, scuba diving, and kite surfing, and the town is home to several reputable schools that offer lessons and equipment rentals.

Other highlights of Vilankulos include the local markets, where visitors can purchase souvenirs and locally made crafts. The town is also famous for its fresh seafood, with several restaurants offering delicious local dishes such as peri-peri prawns and grilled fish.

Exploring Vilankulos