
Mozambique Health Expenditure 

Health Expenditure in Mozambique

An Insight into Mozambique's Health Expenditure

As an expert on public health, understanding the distribution and efficiency of health expenditure in Mozambique is crucial for determining the nation's ability to provide and improve healthcare services. This involves examining various aspects such as government spending, donor contributions, and the allocation of resources to different healthcare sectors.

Current Health Expenditure Data

According to the World Bank, Mozambique has been allocating a significant portion of its GDP to health over the years. In 2019, health expenditure per capita stood at approximately $39.56 USD (World Bank, 2020). This figure, while reflective of Mozambique's ongoing efforts to improve its healthcare system, highlights the challenges the country faces in providing adequate health services amid various socio-economic constraints.

Government Health Expenditure

Government spending on health resources is a critical component in Mozambique. The data from the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that public health expenditure as a percentage of total governmental expenditure was around 8% in 2019 (WHO, 2020). This level of investment, though relatively modest, underscores the Mozambican government's commitment to enhancing healthcare delivery. However, it is essential to compare this to the minimum recommended threshold of 15% by the Abuja Declaration, highlighting a gap that needs addressing.

Donor Contributions

International donors play a significant role in Mozambique's healthcare financing. For instance, data from the Global Fund indicates that Mozambique received grants amounting to nearly $1.8 billion for HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis programs from 2002 to 2020 (Global Fund, 2021). Such contributions are vital for sustaining essential health services, particularly in combating infectious diseases.

Allocation of Resources

A critical aspect of health expenditure involves the allocation of resources to various healthcare needs. The Mozambique Ministry of Health's budget prioritizes primary healthcare, with substantial portions allocated to maternal and child health services. However, challenges remain in terms of infrastructure, human resources, and medical supplies, particularly in rural and underserved regions.

Current health expenditure (% of GDP)

Current health expenditure per capita