
Mozambique Embassy


Please note that the  information may be subject to change, and it is always advised to check the most current contact details before attempting to visit or reach out to any Mozambican diplomatic or consular mission.



High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of South Africa 

Pretoria 529 Edmond Street, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria 0007 P.O. Box 57465 Tel: (2712) 4010300/4 Fax: (2712) 3266388 Email: embamoc.ras@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Angola 

Luanda Rua Salvador Alende, 55, Luanda Tel: 244-2 334871 / 331158 Fax: 244-2 332883 / 322250 

Email: embamoc.angola@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria 

Algiers Coopérative El-Bina, Lotissement No. 03, Rue El Bina, Dely Ibrahim, Algiers Phone: +21321919415, Fax: +21321918075

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Botswana 

Gaborone A758, Robinson Road, Gaborone P.O. Box 00215 Tel: +267 3191251 / 3191250 Fax: +267 3191262 

Email: embamoc.botswana@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Arab Republic of Egypt 

Cairo 2 Tahran, St, Dokki, Cairo Tel: +202 7605505 / 7486389 Fax: +202 7486378 

Email: emozcai@link.net.mz or embamoc.egipto@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the African Union 

Addis Ababa Higher 17, Kebele 23, House, 2116 K, Bole Area, Addis Ababa P.O. Box 5671 Tel: +251 729199 Fax: +251 729197

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Malawi 

Lilongwe Area 40/14 A Lilongwe 3 P.O. Box 30579 Tel: +265 774100/774696/772291 Fax: +265 771342 

Email: embamoc.malawi@minec.gov.mz

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Kenya 

Nairobi Bruce House, 3rd Floor, Standard Street, P.O. BOX 66923 Tel: +254 20 221979/214191/216357 Fax: +254 20 222446 / 214712 

Email: embamoc.quenia@minec.gov.mz

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Kingdom of Eswatini 

Mbabane Highlands View, Princess Drive Road P.O. BOX 1212, Mbabane Tel: +268 4041296/7 Fax: +268 4048482 Email: moz.high@swazi.net

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the United Republic of Tanzania 

Dar es Salaam Garden Avenue, 25 P.O. BOX 9370, Dar es Salaam Tel: +255 22 2124673 Fax: +255 22 2116502 

Email: embamoc.tanzania@minec.gov.mz

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Zambia 

Lusaka 9592 Kacha Road, Northmead, Lusaka P.O. Box 34877 Tel: +260 211 239135/220333 / 220339 Fax: +260 211 220345 

Email: mozambhc.lusakac@gmail.com, embamoc.zambia@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Zimbabwe 

Harare 152 Herbert Chitepo Avenue P.O. Box 4608, Harare Tel: +263 4 253871/3, Fax: +263 4 253875 

Email: embamoc.zimbabwe@minec.gov.mz, emba@embamoc.org.zw

Consulates of Mozambique in Africa

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Blantyre - Malawi 

Blantyre 8 Victoria Avenue North, 1st Floor, Umoyo House Tel: +265 1643189 / 1640945 Fax: +265 1644907

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Cape Town 

Cape Town The Pinnacle Building, 11th Floor 8, Burg street, Cape Town, 8001 Tel: +27 21 426 2944/5 Fax: +27 21 426 2946 Email: mozept@kingsley.co.za

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Durban 

Durban 320 West Street, 7th Floor, Apt. 2719 P.O.BOX 4608, Durban Tel: +27 31 304 0200 / 304 0213 Fax: +27 31 304 0774

Consulate General of the Republic of Mozambique in Johannesburg - South Africa 

Johannesburg 1 Level, Wilds View, Isle of Houghton Carse O'Gowrie & Boundary Rd, Houghton P.O.Box 2492, Saxonwold 2132 Tel: +27 11 484 6427/33/34/37 Fax: +27 11 484 4014 Email: cgeral@intekom.co.za

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Mutare - Zimbabwe 

Mutare 11 Riverside Drive P.O. Box: 290, Mutare, Zimbabwe Tel: +263 20 61627 Fax: +263 20 64523

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Nelspruit - South Africa 

Nelspruit 32 Bell Street P.O.BOX 6516, Nelspruit Tel: +27 13 7532089 / 7527396 Fax: +27 13 7551207 Email: Mozconns@mweb.co.za

Consulate General of the Republic of Mozambique in Zanzibar - Tanzania 

Mapinduzi Street, Kikwajuni P.O. Box: 1044 Tel: +255 24 2230049 Fax: +255 24 2232759



Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Federal Republic of Germany 

Berlin Strom Strasse 47, 10551 Berlin Tel: +49-30 398 76500 /1/2 Fax: +49-30 398 76503 

Email: emoz@aol.com, embamoc.rfa@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Kingdom of Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and European Union 

Brussels Bd, Saint Michel 97, 1040 Brussels Tel: +32 2 736 00 96 / 736 25 64 Fax: +32 2 732 06 64 

Email: ambamoz@yahoo.fr, embamoc.belgica@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Kingdom of Spain 

Madrid Calle de Goya, 67-1 Izquierda, 28001 Madrid Tel: +34 91 5773682 Fax: +34 91 5776705 

Email: embamocmadr@worldonline.es, embamoc.espanha@minec.gov.mz

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the United Kingdom 

London 21 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6EL Tel: +44 20 7383 3800 Fax: +44 20 7383 3801 

Email: embamoc.londres@minec.gov.mz Website: www.mozambiquehc.org

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the French Republic and UNESCO 

Paris 82, Rue Laugier, 75017 Paris Tel: +33 1 47649132 Fax: +33 1 44159013 / 42673828 

Email: embamoc.franca@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Italian Republic 

Rome Via Filippo Corridoni, 14, 00195 Roma Greece (Hellenic Republic), Malta, FAO Tel: +39 06 37514675 / 37514852 Fax: +39 06 37514699 

Email: embamoc.italia@minec.gov.mz, do@ambasciatamozambico.it

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Portuguese Republic 

Lisbon Av. da Berna, 7, 1050 Lisbon Tel: +351 21 796172 / 7958113 / 7958056 Fax: +351 21 7932720 

Email: embamoc.portugal@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Russian Federation  

Moscow UI, Gilyarovskovo 8, Kv. 45 - 10th Floor, Moscow 129090 Tel: +7 095 684-4007 / 681-8015 Fax: +7 095 684-3654 / 684-8325 

Email: embamocru@hotmail.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Kingdom of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway Stockholm Sturegatan 46, 4th Floor, 114 36 Stockholm P.O. Box 5801, 102 48 Tel: +46 8 6660350 Fax: +46 8 6636729 

Email: info@embassymozambique.se, embamoc.suecia@minec.gov.mz Website: www.embassymozambique.se

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Swiss Confederation, United Nations, WTO 

Geneva 13, Rue J. A Gautier – 1st floor, C.H – 1201 Geneva Tel: +41 22 901 17 83 Fax: +41 22 901 17 84 

Email: mission.moza@bluewin.ch

Consulates of Mozambique in Europe

Consulate General of the Republic of Mozambique in Porto - Portugal 

Porto Rua Santos Pousada No. 441 – Room 4 C. Postal 4000-486 Porto Tel: +351 22 537 7535 / 519 1712 Fax: +351 22 510 3405 Email: geral@consulado-moçambique.org



Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Federative Republic of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay 

Brasília SHIS QL 12, Conjunto 07, Casa 09, Lago Sul, Brasília, Distrito Federal Tel: +55 61 32484222 / 32485319 Fax: +55 61 32483917 

Email: embamoc.bsb@uol.br, embamoc-rec@uol.com.br Website: www.mozambique.org.br

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Cuba 

Havana 7ª Ave. No. 2203 between 22 and 24, Miramar, Playa, Havana Tel: +53 7 204 2443 / 204 2445 / 204 2630 Fax: +53 7 204 2232 

Email: embamoc@ceniai.inf.cu, embamoc.cuba@minec.gov.mz

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the United States of America (USA) and Canada 

Washington, D.C. 1525 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 Tel: +1 202 293 7146 Fax: +1 202 835 0245 

Email: embamoc@aol.com, embamoc.eua@minec.gov.mz Website: www.embamoc.usa.org

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mozambique to the United Nations 

New York 420 East 50th Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel: +1 212 644-6800 / 644-5965



Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Jeddah

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 

Beijing 1-7-2 Tayuan Office Building, Beijing 100600 Tel: +86-10 65323578 / 65323664 Fax: +86-10 65325189 

Email: embamoc.china@minec.gov.mz, embamc@ambamoz.org

High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of India and Sri Lanka 

New Delhi B-3/24, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi, 110057 Tel: +91 11 26156663/4 Fax: +91 11 26156665 / 26156632 

Email: hcmozind@hclinfinet.com

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam 

Jakarta Wisma GKBI, 37th Floor, Suite 3709 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 28 Jakarta – 10210 Tel: +62 21 574 0901 Fax: +62 21 574 0907 

Email: embamoc@cbn.net.id

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Japan 

Tokyo Shiba Amerex 3 Building, 6F, 3-12-17 Mita, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 108-0073 Tel: +81 03 54190973/4 / 53193656 Fax: +81 03 5442556 

Email: embamoc.japao@minec.gov.mz, mozambique@tkk.att.ne.jp

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the United Arab Emirates 

Abu Dhabi Villa No. 2, Karam Street, Zone 2, Sector 23, Al Mushrif Tel: +971 2 447 7724, +971 2 447 7726 Fax: +971 2 447 7798

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 

Hanoi No. 31 A Nguyen Khuyen, Dong Da, Hanoi Tel: +84 7478347 Mobile: +84 0904039595 Fax: +84 7471642 

Email: mozconsulvn@yahoo.com

Consulates of Mozambique in Asia

Consulate of the Republic of Mozambique in Dubai 

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road Bin Ham Building, Office 204 P.O. Box: 34767 Tel: +971 – 43510488 Fax: +971 – 43510590 

Email: mocambiq@emirates.net.com