
Mozambique Electricity generation from fossil fuels

Background Information on Electricity Generation from Fossil Fuels in Mozambique

Mozambique, has been utilizing its fossil fuel reserves to generate electricity. Understanding the specifics of fossil fuel-based electricity generation in Mozambique is key to comprehending the data and trends displayed in your chart.

Overview of Fossil Fuel Resources in Mozambique

Mozambique has significant fossil fuel resources, including natural gas and coal. These resources play a crucial role in the country's energy mix alongside hydropower and emerging renewable energy sources.

1. Natural Gas

Mozambique's natural gas sector has seen rapid development following the discovery of vast offshore gas fields.

  • Rovuma Basin: This offshore basin holds approximately 100 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas reserves. Major discoveries by multinational companies like Anadarko (now part of TotalEnergies) and Eni have spurred investments in gas extraction and LNG production.
  • Natural Gas Plants: Projects like the Temane Thermal Power Plant, expected to generate around 450 MW, are critical for domestic electricity supply. The Pande and Temane gas fields currently supply gas to the Sasol Central Processing Facility, which is instrumental for local power production and export.

2. Coal

Mozambique's coal reserves are primarily located in the Tete Province, which hosts some of the largest undeveloped coal reserves in the world.

  • Moatize Coal Mine: Operated by Vale, this mine produces both coking and thermal coal. The thermal coal is primarily utilized for electricity generation.
  • Coal-fired Power Plants: Current projects, such as the Ncondezi Power Project, are expected to add substantial capacity. Existing plants contribute approximately 300 MW to the national grid, with future plant capacities likely to increase significantly.

Importance of Fossil Fuels in Mozambique's Electricity Generation:

3. Contribution to the Energy Mix:

  • Current Capacity: As of the latest data, fossil fuel-based power plants contribute an estimated 750 MW to the electricity grid. This accounts for a significant portion of the country's installed capacity alongside hydropower.
  • Future Projections: By leveraging its natural gas and coal resources, Mozambique aims to expand its fossil fuel-based generation capacity to over 1,200 MW in the next decade, positioning itself as a key energy producer in the region.

4. Economic Impact:

  • Revenue Generation: The fossil fuel sector generates substantial revenue through exports, especially natural gas. This revenue is crucial for economic development and funding infrastructure projects.
  • Employment: The sector provides employment opportunities, both directly in extraction and indirectly through related industries such as transportation and services.

5. Energy Access and Reliability:

  • Addressing Energy Deficits: Fossil fuel plants play an essential role in addressing Mozambique's electricity deficits, particularly during dry seasons when hydropower generation is affected.
  • Grid Stability: Fossil fuel plants help improve the reliability and stability of the national grid by providing a consistent and controllable power supply

Chart:   Electricity Generation from fossil fuels in Mozambique

Chart for comparison:

The most relevant charts for Mozambique's energy sector

Covering aspects from production and consumption to renewable energy integration, environmental impacts, and economic factors. 

Production and Consumption:

  1. Gas Production (2016):Provides an understanding of Mozambique's natural gas production capacity, essential for grasping the role of gas in the energy mix. 
  1. Electricity Generation (2022): Provides an overview of total electricity generation, helping to understand the scale of energy production in the country.
  1. Electricity Generation from Fossil Fuels (2022): Highlights the dependency on fossil fuels for electricity generation and its implications for energy sustainability.

Renewable Energy and Sustainability:

  1. Hydropower Generation (2022): Important for understanding the role of hydroelectric power in Mozambique's energy mix, showcasing a significant renewable resource.
  1. Installed Solar Energy Capacity (2022): Displays the capacity of solar energy infrastructure, illustrating the level of investment and reliance on solar energy.
  1. Electricity Generation from Renewables (2022): Reflects the contribution of renewable sources to electricity production, essential for assessing the shift towards sustainable energy solutions.
  1. Low-Carbon Electricity Generation per Capita (2022): Provides data on the availability of low-carbon electricity per person, signaling the country's commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

Environmental Impact:

  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2022): Essential for evaluating the overall environmental impact of the energy sector and its sustainability.
  1. Per Capita CO2 Emissions (2022): Offers a measure of the population's carbon footprint from energy consumption, important for environmental impact assessments.
  1. Carbon Intensity of Electricity Generation (2022): Measures the carbon emissions per unit of electricity generated, vital for understanding the efficiency and environmental impact of the energy sector.

Economic Aspects and Policy:

  1. Energy Intensity (2021):  Measures the energy efficiency of the economy by showing the amount of energy used per unit of GDP, critical for policy-making and economic planning.
  1. Net Electricity Imports (2022): Indicates Mozambique's reliance on imported electricity, affecting energy security and policy decisions.