
Disease Burden in Mozambique

Key data & charts

By focusing on these data & charts, you'll have  a well-rounded view of Mozambique's primary health challenges, emphasizing critical areas such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, child and maternal health, and healthcare system capabilities.

Mortality and Disease Burden

  • Annual Death Rate from All Causes (2021) 
  • Death Rate from HIV/AIDS (WHO 2019,): 
  • Death Rate from Malaria (WHO GHO Data 2021)
  • Death Rate from Cardiovascular Diseases (WHO GHE Crude 2019,)
  • Death Rate from Respiratory Infections (IHME Age-standardized 2021, ) 

Child and Maternal Health

  • Child Mortality Rate (UN IGME 2021, IHME GBD 2019)
  • Infant Mortality Rate (UN IGME 2021, IHME 2021, UN WPP 2021)
  • Neonatal Mortality Rate (UN IGME 2021, IHME 2019, IHME 2021)
  • Maternal Mortality Ratio (IHME 2021, WHO GHO Data 2020)

Predominant Diseases: HIV/AIDS & Malaria & Tuberculosis

  • Number of People Living with HIV (2021)
  • HIV Prevalence (UNAIDS 2022)
  • Incidence of Malaria (WHO 2021, IHME 2021)
  • Incidence of tuberculosis

Health System Performance

  • Coverage of Essential Health Services (WHO 2021, IHME 2021)
  • Health Spending as a Share of Total Government Expenditure (2021)
  • Dentistry personnel per 10,000 population (2021) 

Environmental Health

  • Share of Deaths Attributed to Unsafe Water Sources (2021)
  • Share of Deaths Attributed to Unsafe Sanitation (2021)

Child Health and Nutrition

  • Share of Children Receiving Vitamin A Supplementation (2022)
  • Share of Children Sleeping Under Insecticide-treated Nets (2018)
  • Share of Children with a Respiratory Infection Taken to a Healthcare Provider (2015)
  • Share of Children with Diarrhea Receiving Oral Rehydration Salts (2015)

Universal Health Coverage

  1. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Service Coverage Index (2021)

 This approach ensures that your talk is both comprehensive and grounded in the most relevant health indicators.

The burden of dieseases in Mozambique is multifaceted, involving a combination of infectious diseases, maternal and child health challenges, and a rising incidence of non-communicable diseases. By understanding these various aspects, readers can better interpret the charts and data, which provide specific insights into the health challenges faced by the country. The goal remains to enhance public health outcomes through sustained efforts in healthcare infrastructure, disease prevention, and socioeconomic development.

Introduction to Disease Burden in Mozambique

Mozambique,continues to face considerable health challenges even as it makes strides toward improving its public health infrastructure. Understanding the disease burden in the country involves exploring the impact of various infectious and non-communicable diseases, as well as the health system's capacity to address these issues.

Historical and Socioeconomic Context

Since gaining independence from Portugal in 1975, Mozambique has undergone periods of civil war, natural disasters, and economic hardships, all of which have influenced its public health outcomes. Despite economic growth in recent years, poverty remains widespread, affecting access to healthcare services and overall health conditions.

Major Contributors to Disease Burden

  • Infectious Diseases: Infectious diseases remain the predominant health challenge in Mozambique, contributing significantly to morbidity and mortality rates.
  • Malaria: Malaria is the leading cause of illness and death, especially among children under five. The disease is endemic, with the entire population at risk of infection.
  • HIV/AIDS: Mozambique has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world. The epidemic has a significant impact on life expectancy and economic productivity.
  • Tuberculosis (TB): TB is another major public health issue, often exacerbated by high rates of HIV co-infection.
  • Diarrheal Diseases and Respiratory Infections: These primarily affect children and contribute to high rates of under-five mortality.
  • Maternal and Child Health: Maternal and child health statistics reflect significant challenges, including high maternal mortality rates and child malnutrition, which contribute to stunted growth and increased vulnerability to infections.
  • Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs): While infectious diseases dominate the health landscape, NCDs such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases are emerging due to changing lifestyles and longer life expectancies.

Factors Influencing Disease Burden

  • Healthcare Infrastructure: The healthcare system in Mozambique has been improving, but it still struggles with limited resources, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of healthcare professionals.
  • Socioeconomic Disparities: Poverty, lack of education, and inadequate access to clean water and sanitation exacerbate health vulnerabilities and disease transmission.
  • Environmental Factors: The country's tropical climate and seasonal rains contribute to the spread of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

Health Initiatives and Interventions

  • Government and NGO Efforts: The Mozambican government, in collaboration with international organizations, has implemented various health initiatives targeting malaria, HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, and vaccination programs.
  • Community Healthcare: Efforts to enhance primary care and community health worker programs aim to make healthcare more accessible, especially in rural areas.