
Mozambique Maputo Province

The 10 provinces of Mozambique
The 10 provinces of Mozambique

Maputo Province Fact Sheet

Maputo Province is a region of Mozambique located in the southern part of the country. It surrounds but does not include Maputo City, which is a separate provincial-level city and the national capital. This densely populated region is known for its stunning coastline, wildlife, and as an important economic area of Mozambique.

General Description: Maputo Province offers a variety of landscapes, including beaches, lagoons, and inland areas marked by savanna and woodlands. It is also home to the Maputo Special Reserve (formerly Maputo Elephant Reserve) and the Swazi border with its Lebombo Mountains. Economic activities in the province range from agriculture to fishing and tourism.

Surface Area: The province covers an area of approximately 22,693 square kilometers, making it one of the smallest provinces in Mozambique by land area.

Geographical Limits:

  • North: It is bordered by Gaza Province.
  • South: The Maputo Province shares a border with the Kingdom of Eswatini (formerly known as Swaziland) to the southwest and South Africa to the south.
  • West: To the west, it is bordered by South Africa and Eswatini.
  • East: The province has a coastal line along the Indian Ocean to the east.

Main Cities:

  • Matola is the largest city in Maputo Province and serves as an industrial and commercial hub.
  • Other important cities and towns include Boane, Namaacha, and Moamba.

Number of Districts: Maputo Province is divided into 8 districts.

Name of Districts: These districts include Boane, Manhiça, Magude, Marracuene, Moamba, Matutuíne, Namaacha, and the city of Matola.

Climate: Maputo Province typically experiences a subtropical climate with warm to hot, wet summers (November to March) and cooler, drier winters (April to October). As with much of southern Mozambique, it is prone to occasional droughts and floods.

Population: The province is one of the most populous in Mozambique, with over 2 million residents reflecting a diverse composition of ethnic groups and urbanization.

Languages: While Portuguese is the official language of Mozambique, used for government and education, a variety of indigenous languages are also spoken across the province, such as Ronga, Swazi, Zulu, and others.

Major Products: Maputo Province's economy is varied, with a strong emphasis on agriculture, including products like sugar, coconuts, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. It also harbors industrial activities and a growing services sector. In addition, the province's coastline and proximity to South Africa and Eswatini make it an attractive area for tourism.

Main Roads: The EN2 is an essential road that crosses the province, while the EN1 connects Maputo Province to the rest of Mozambique. These and other roads are critical for both national and cross-border traffic between Mozambique, its neighboring countries, and for local transportation.

Main Airport: The province itself does not possess a major international airport, as the Maputo International Airport (Aeroporto Internacional de Maputo) located in nearby Maputo City serves the entire metropolitan area, including Matola and the surrounding districts.

Maputo Province—with its strategic location, natural beauty, and economic diversity—is a vital component of Mozambique's overall growth and serves as a gateway to the nation for many visitors and business activities. Its close proximity to the capital, diverse communities, as well as its ecological reserves, all contribute to its uniqueness as a region.

Map of Maputo Province

7-day weather forecast for Maputo Province

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