Diplomatic Missions in Mozambique
Maputo - Embassies
High Commission of the Republic of South Africa
- Address: Av. Eduardo Mondlane, No. 41, PO Box 1120, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 243000
- Fax: 21 488897 / 21 493029
- Email: sahcmaputo@dirco.gov.za
German Embassy
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
- Address: Rua Damião de Góis, No. 506, PO Box 1595, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 482700; 82 3033300; 84 3033300
- Fax: 21 492888
- Email: info@maputo.diplo.de
Angolan Embassy
Embassy of the Republic of Angola
- Address: Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, No. 783, PO Box 2954, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 493139; 21 493691
- Fax: 21 493930; 21 493928
- Email: embaixada.mocambique@mirex.gov.ao
Algerian Embassy
Embassy of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
- Address: Rua de Mukumbura, No. 121/125, PO Box 1709, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492070 / 21 492203
- Fax: 21 490582; 21 485067
- Email: ambalgmaputo@tvcabo.co.mz
- Website: www.ambalgmaputo.org.mz
Saudi Arabian Embassy
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 3268, PO Box 1104, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 498835
- Fax: (+258) 21 498834
- Email: saudiembassyinmaputo@gmail.com
Argentine Embassy
- Address: Rua dos Desportistas, No. 833, JAT V-1 Building, 9th Floor, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 421242/5/6; 843832858
- Email: emoza@mrecic.gov.ar
- Website: https://emoza.cancilleria.gob.ar
Belgian Diplomatic Office
Diplomatic Bureau of the Kingdom of Belgium
- Address: Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, 762, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492009 / 29/ 33; Mobile: 84 3500394
- Fax: 21 491987
- Email: maputo@diplobel.fed.be
- Website: https://www.diplomatie.be/maputo
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil
- Address: Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, No. 296, PO Box 1167, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 484800; 82 3192260; 82 3192370
- Fax: 21 491339
- Email: ebrasil@tdm.co.mz, embaixada.maputo@itamaraty.gov.br
High Commission of the Republic of Botswana
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 3812
- Phone: (+258) 21 243 800 / 21 494918/9
- Fax: 21 249 917
- Email: infobotmoz@gov.bw
- Facebook: Botswana High Commission-Mozambique
High Commission of Canada
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 1138, PO Box 1578, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492623/4; 21 492470; 21 499530
- Fax: 21 492667
- Email: mputo@international.gc.ca
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 3142, PO Box 4668, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 491 560
- Fax: 21 491 196
- Email: chinaemb_mz@mfa.gov.cn, chinamocambique@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Congo
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda
Embassy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 127, PO Box 2407, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 494929
- Fax: 21 494929
- Email: missionrdcaputo6@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
- Address: Avenida Marginal No. 141, Torres Rani 7th Floor, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 495625
- Fax: 21 495638
- Email: embassy-mz@mofa.go.kr, consular-mz@mofa.go.kr
- Website: https://www.mz.mofa.go.kr
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda No. 492, PO Box 387 – Sommerschield, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492444
- Mobile: 82 3064968
- Fax: 21 491905
- Email: embacuba.mozambique@tvcabo.co.mz
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt
- Address: Av. Mao Tsé Tung No. 851, PO Box 4662, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 491118; +258 21 491287
- Fax: 21 491489
- Email: egypt@tvcabo.co.mz
Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain
- Address: Rua Damião de Góis No. 347, PO Box 1331, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492025; 21 492027; 21 492030
- Mobile: 82/84 3282900
- Fax: 21 492055; 21 494769
- Email: emb.maputo@maec.es
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
- Address: Av. Marginal No. 141, Radisson Blu Hotel, Torres Rani, 3rd Floor
- Phone: (+258) 21 246200 / 21 246210
- Email: maputoemb@mofaic.gov.ae
Embassy of the United States of America
- Address: Avenida Marginal, Plots 141/8A and 141/8B, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 492797; 84 0958000
- Fax: 21 490594
High Commission of the Kingdom of Eswatini
- Address: Rua Luis Pasteur, No. 1271/63, PO Box 4711, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 491 601 / 21 491 746 / 21 494 046
- Fax: 21 492 117
- Email: swazimozembassy@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Finland
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 1128, PO Box 1663, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 482400; 21 490578
- Telefax: 21 491661/2
- Email: sanomat.map@formin.fi
- Website: finlandabroad.fi/mozambique
Embassy of the French Republic
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 2361, PO Box 4781, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 484600
- Telefax: 21 484680
- Email: contact@ambafrance-mz.org
High Commission of the Republic of India
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda No. 167, PO Box 4751, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 490717; 21 492437
- Fax: 21 492364
- Email: hocmaputo@mae.gov.in, adm.maputo@mae.gov.in
- Website: www.hicomind-maputo.org
Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
- Address: Rua Dar-Es-Salam No. 141, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 494227/28/29/30
- Fax: 21 494231
- Email: maputo.kbri@kemlu.go.id
Embassy of Ireland
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere No. 3630, PO Box 4654, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 501700
- Mobile: 823091430
- Email: maputo@dfa.ie
Embassy of the Republic of Iceland
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere No. 1128, PO Box 2870, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 483509
- Fax: 21 483511
- Email: icemb.maputo@mfa.is
Embassy of the Republic of Italy
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 387, PO Box 976, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 606560 / 21 606564
- Mobile: 82 3034595 / 84 6223067
- Fax: 21 490503
- Email: ambaciata.maputo@esteri.it, segretaria.maputo@esteri.it
Embassy of Japan
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 2832, PO Box 2494, Sommerschield, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 499 819/20
- Fax: 21498 957
- Email: embjapao@mp.mofa.go.jp
Embassy of the State of Libya
- Address: Rua Pereira Marinho, No. 274, PO Box 4434, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21 490662
- Fax: 21 492450
- Email: libyaembassy.maputo@gmail.com
High Commission of the Republic of Malawi
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 75, PO Box 4148, Maputo
- Phone: (+258) 21492676
- Fax: 21490224
- Email: malawmoz@tdm.co.mz
Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta
- Mobile: (+258) 82306740 / 84306740
High Commission of the Republic of Mauritius
- Address: Rua Nwamatibyane (Formerly Dom Carlos) No. 42, Maputo
- Phones: +258 21494182; 21494624
- Mobile: +258 823074319 / 843012656
- Fax: 21494729
- Email: maputo@govmu.org, mhcmaputo@aol.com
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 4337, Maputo
- Phone: +258 214 83330
- Fax: +258 214 83334
High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 821, PO Box 4693, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21492457 / 21490105
- Fax: 21490991
- Email: nigeria.maputo@foreignaffairs.gov.ng
Royal Norwegian Embassy
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere No. 1162, PO Box 828, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21480 100
- Email: emb.maputo@mfa.no
- Website: www.norway.org.mz
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- Address: Av. Kwame Nkrumah, No. 324, PO Box 1163, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21 484 200
- Fax: 21 484 248
- Email: map@minbuza.nl
- Website: www.netherlandsandyou.nl
Embassy of the State of Palestine
- Address: Rua da Frelimo No. 176, PO Box 1160, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21486057
- Fax: 21486084
Embassy of the Portuguese Republic
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 720, PO Box 4696, Maputo
- Phones: +258 21490316/19/22
- Fax: 21491178 / 21497696
- Email: maputo@mne.pt, secretariado.maputo@mne.pt
High Commission of the Republic of Kenya
- Address: Av. do Zimbabwe No. 1360, Sommerchild, Maputo
- Phone: +258 858818074
- Email: maputo@mfa.go.ke
High Commission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Address: Av. Vladimir Lenine No. 310, PO Box 55, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21356020
- Fax: 21356060
- Email: bhcgeneral@gmail.com
Embassy of the Vatican
- Address: Av. Kwame Nkruma No. 224, PO Box 2738, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21491144 / 843208778
- Email: na.mozambic@diplomat.va
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- Address: Rua das Bougainvillea Flora No. 57, Sommerschield II, House No. 57, Maputo
- PO Box: 1102
- Phone: 21 494 960
- Fax: 21 494 296
- Email: embve.mzmpt@mppre.gob.ve
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
- Address: Av. Francisco Orlando Magumbwe, No. 1026/1048, PO Box 4501, Maputo
- Phone: +258 21 497 912 / 492 005
- Fax: +258 21 491 992
- Email: dsqvnmoz@yahoo.com
High Commission of the Republic of Zambia
- Address: Av. Kenneth Kaunda, No. 1286, PO Box 4655, Maputo
- Phones: +258 21492452
- Fax: 21491893
- Email: zhcmmap@tvcabo.co.mz
Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe
- Address: Av. Mártires da Machava, No. 1657, PO Box 743, Maputo
- Phones: (+258) 21 490404 / 21 488877
- Fax: 21 492237
- Email: zimmaputo@zimfa.gov.zw
Delegation of the European Commission
- Address: Av. Julius Nyerere, No. 2820, PO Box 1306, Maputo
- Phones: (+258) 21481000, 21494949
- Mobile: 823013891 / 823013894 / 823013897
- Fax: 21491866
- Email: delegation-mozambique@eeas.europa.eu
- Website: https://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/mozambique
Please note: Please re confirm the contact details, as they might change over time.