
Mozambique coverage of essential health services

Background on Essential Health Services in Mozambique

Mozambique, has experienced significant challenges and strides in the realm of healthcare over recent decades. The country's healthcare system faces various obstacles such as limited infrastructure, economic constraints, and a high burden of communicable diseases. Nonetheless, considerable efforts have been made to improve the accessibility and quality of essential health services.

Health Infrastructure and Services

The health system in Mozambique is structured into different levels ranging from primary to tertiary care, with a focus on delivering essential health services to its population. These services include, but are not limited to, maternal and child health, immunization programs, treatment of infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, as well as non-communicable diseases management.

Government Initiatives and External Support

The government of Mozambique, often in partnership with international organizations and NGOs, has initiated numerous programs aimed at enhancing healthcare delivery. The Ministry of Health has been implementing strategies under the national health policy that targets improvements in health service coverage and quality.

Challenges and Disparities

While there have been improvements, disparities in healthcare access still exist, particularly between urban and rural areas. Rural regions often experience a shortage of healthcare professionals, inadequate facilities, and limited access to essential medicines. These disparities significantly affect the overall coverage of essential health services.

Measurement and Indicators

The coverage of essential health services in Mozambique is typically measured using various indicators such as the number of healthcare facilities per capita, immunization rates, antenatal care coverage, skilled birth attendants' attendance, and the prevalence of treated chronic conditions. These indicators provide insight into the accessibility, quality, and effectiveness of the healthcare system.

Progress and Current Status

Recent data and research show that Mozambique has made progress in several areas. For example, there have been notable increases in immunization coverage and maternal healthcare services. However, continuous efforts are needed to sustain and further this progress, expanding the reach of essential health services to the most underserved populations.

Chart:  coverage of essential health services  in Mozambique

Chart for comparison:
