

Capital of Manica Province

current time in Chimoio:

Location and map of Chimoio

Location of Chimoio-  Capital of Manica Province
Location of Chimoio- Capital of Manica Province

Chimoio Factsheet

Chimoio is the capital city of Manica Province, situated in the central region of Mozambique. It stands as the province's business heart and is a key administrative center.

Location: Nestled in the verdant plains and surrounded by rolling hills, Chimoio is located near the Mozambique-Zimbabwe border. The city is positioned roughly at coordinates 19.12° S latitude and 33.48° E longitude.

Climate: Chimoio enjoys a temperate tropical highland climate. Due to its elevation, it experiences cooler temperatures than much of Mozambique, with average annual temperatures ranging between 15°C to 25°C. Rainfall is most common from November to March, during the hot and wet summer months.

Brief Historical Background and Status as the Capital: Previously known as Vila Pery during the colonial era, Chimoio has witnessed significant historical events, especially during the struggle for independence and civil war. Post-independence, it continued to develop as Manica's capital, pivotal for its strategic location along major transit routes between Mozambique and Zimbabwe.

Population Size: The population of Chimoio has been steadily increasing, currently estimated to surpass 250,000. The city's growth is influenced by its standing as a provincial capital and commercial hub.

Main Economic Activities and Industries: Chimoio's economy is principally centered on agriculture, with fertile lands supporting crops like maize, fruits, and tobacco. Light manufacturing, commerce, and services also play a role in the city's economic fabric. Additionally, Chimoio benefits from cross-border trade due to its proximity to Zimbabwe.

Transportation Networks and Utilities: The city is a significant transport junction, linking the Beira Corridor—a key trade route to the sea—with roads heading to Zimbabwe. Chimoio's own infrastructure is evolving to meet the demands of its population, with ongoing improvements in utilities like water and electricity.

Key Infrastructure Points: Ports, Airports, Roads: Although Chimoio is landlocked, its infrastructure is pivotal for regional commerce. Chimoio Airport provides air links to the country's major cities. Roads, including the EN6 highway, connect important economic centers, facilitating trade and mobility.

Tourist Attractions: The region around Chimoio is known for natural beauty including the Chimanimani Mountains and the scenic Bridal Veil Falls. The local markets in Chimoio offer a chance to engage with the vibrant culture and traditions of the local people.

Distance to Maputo: Chimoio is approximately 1,100 km from Maputo by road, a journey that can take about 14 hours to complete. The travel time emphasizes the city's position as a central, but relatively remote, provincial capital within the national context of Mozambique.

Map of Manica Province

7-day weather forecast for Chimoio